It’s your Saturday negotiation strategy case study from Scott Tillema: The NFL’s Chicago Bears need a home.
To no surprise to a casual observer, the Chicago Bears play their football games IN Chicago, but that’s not guaranteed for much longer.
After acquiring a large chunk of land in suburban Arlington Heights, there’s been some resistance from local politicians, residents and businesses focusing on the negatives of relocating a major sports franchise to town.
While it’s normal to see the negatives, are we also giving attention to the expected positives?
Because without a doubt, there are massive financial and marketing positives of bringing an economic generator like this to your area.
But as the Bears are assumed to move to Arlington Heights, this has shifted the power to the local governing bodies and powers that be to start making demands from the team- taxes, contributions, layouts, etc.
Great negotiators know your power comes from information and options.
Why? If you explore your options you may actually find a better deal and with more information, we make better decisions.
Don’t get mad. Get busy.
It sure looks like all of a sudden there are a variety of options for the Bears new home. They continue to make news as they are holding meetings with nearby Naperville as a potential option to their new home.
Now, I don’t believe for a moment there’s any intent to consider Naperville -and nothing against that city- but they sure are strengthening their position to get more from Arlington Heights as now the kingmakers in Arlington Heights don’t have all the power they thought they did.
What about you? When you are working to get what you want, how are you creating power by exploring your information and options?
In the end, the Bears will get MORE of what they want, simply by very publicly exploring their options.. and by using the same strategy, you will get more too.
