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The Negotiations Collective is thrilled to introduce our newest Senior Associate, Leighton Wilks.

Leighton is an Associate Dean and Professor at the Haskayne School of Business at the University of Calgary.

Leighton examines current negotiation research and turns it into effective negotiation training programs for his #MBA and #EMBA students at the Haskayne School of Business.

Leighton has a significant consulting background in diverse areas including negotiations, strategic planning, and cross-cultural management.

A passionate educator, advisor, and researcher, Leighton has won numerous teaching awards. He holds a BA in Psychology and an MBA, where his thesis examined cultural differences in the use of ethically questionable negotiation behaviors.

Welcome to the team Leighton! We are thrilled to have you.

To learn more about Leighton, the rest of our team, and how we can help get you MORE, visit our website:

Authenticity matters. Credibility matters. Once that is taken away, people will have a very difficult time working with you and your business.

We're seeing a growth of ChatGPT created social media posts, and now speeches are being given, with content all written by AI.

It is impressive to see how good and accurate the content is, kudos to the creators. However, once we learn a message isn't heartfelt, or it lacks sincerity, it significantly changes how we interpret it.

Now consider how you are applying the concepts of credibility and authenticity in your work. Are you hurting your business by lacking in these areas?

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